The Investor’s Blog

We believe Financial Education should be free for everyone

The Best personal finance app that everyone needs – Mint!

Looking for ways to manage all your investments and bank accounts all in one place? Creating a digital checkbook is a great way to manage all of this any time anywhere It links all your assets and debt into one place so you can more easily track your spending and savings habits! For people that…
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How to earn money while you sleep – Honey Gain!

Ever wanted to let your computer or phone sit and passively earn you money if so you have come to the right post! Introducing Honey Gain! This app lets you passively earn income by just connecting your phone to the internet! Honeygain’s network is used by businesses for web content delivery. Honeygain finds the connections…
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Brave Browser – The Browser That Pays You!

If you are looking to earn a little money by just cruising the web your in for a treat! I found a simple browser that pays you to see advertising that’s right advertising. Now before you click away and assume this is just an overly spamtastic ad browser I just want to let you know…
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How Investing Can Change Your Future!

Do you ever wonder where you might be in 5 years, 10 years, or maybe even 30 years from now? Will you work for an amazing company like Microsoft, Google, or maybe even Tesla? It’s always hard to tell where you might be in the future no one knows how their life will play out over…
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5 Simple Steps to Turn Loss into Profit and Defeat Inflation

Are you tired of losing money every day without even realizing it? It’s time to take control of your finances and turn that loss into profit! With these 5 simple steps, you can beat inflation and grow your wealth for a better future. From high-yield savings to real estate investment, this guide will show you…
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Investing and It’s Importance

Investment is important from many points of view. Before doing investment, it is essential to understand what is investment and its importance? “Investment is an act of investing money to earn the profit. It is the first step towards the future security of your money.” Need of Investment The investment can help you in the…
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Questions First Time Investors Should Ask Before Investing

It is easy to find people’s opinion on how to invest in the stock market as everyone has a different angle on what to expect in the stock market at every point in time, but most of the time people’s opinion may be very confusing. The most common problem that new investors do have is…
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Top 5 Financial Books You Need To Read!

Here is a list of books to help your start your journey to finance Success!! Rich Dad Poor Dad The Number one selling Personal Finance Book! Dave Ramsey’s Complete Guide To Money Learn To Take control of your spending!!! The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America’s Wealthy The Simple Path to Wealth: Your…
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A Guide To Your Stock Market Returns

If you’re new to investing, you might be wondering what kind of returns you can expect to make in the stock market. If those numbers aren’t acceptable, what might be more appealing alternatives? I’ve seen with publicly traded stocks that often, there is a disparity in advertising and the expectations most have, compared to their…
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Exercising To Millions

Seventy-six percent of the rich exercise a half and hour more every day. Wealthy people value well being, In addition to exercising, they watch what they eat, sleep seven or more hours a night, and avoid drinking alcohol and watching TV to often. Certain lifestyles create certain circumstances that can make or break a large…
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DISCLAIMER I’m not a certified financial planner/advisor nor a certified financial analyst nor an economist nor a CPA nor an accountant nor a lawyer. I’m not a finance professional through formal education. I’m an individual who believes and takes pride in a sense of freedom, satisfaction, fulfillment and empowerment that I get from being financially…
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